Thursday, February 3, 2011

29/365 Saturday, 01/29/2011

Saturday was a quiet somewhat snowy day. We stayed home. I decided it was a "baked ziti" kind of day--a day for easy comfort food...This decision may have been influenced by the fact that we are re-watching the Sopranos. We stopped watching at about Season 5, probably because we got busy or didn't have access to HBO anymore. So it will be fun to see the last seasons for the first time after having re-watched all the other ones. I still cannot figure out why the show is so compelling but it is-the characters, what they get up to, how messed-up they all are and how they all bounce off of each other is just very interesting to watch. It turned out I did not have any baked ziti so I made baked radiatore instead. I've decided I'm not a big fan of that shape--I like the simpler ones like penne and spaghetti or linguine. Sometimes I like bowties/farfalle.

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