Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Just some links for now:


kundalini & biology (science) 
Throughout this book the term kundalini awakening is used interchangeably with metamorphosis, spiritual alchemy, spiritual acceleration, the inner marriage, the sacred marriage, The Passion and even The Great Bliss. The energy of kundalini could be variously called prana, chi, mana, Baron Carl von Reichenbach's odic force (od), Wilheim Reich's orgone, Ken Wilber's Spiritual Eros, Henri Bergson's elan vital, Tielhard de Chardin's radial energy, Freud's libido, archeus, etheric energy, vital life-essence, vital energy or life force. and even Sheldrake's morphogenetic fields. Also around the world it is referred to as ka, ichor, inua, sila, manetuwak, oloddumare, qi, Tao, ki, aether and quintessence.